Exploration on Police Killing

by Xiaojun Wang, Jiaoyan Chen, Qinmei Wu


Based on the data from article “This is how many people police have killed so far in 2016”, we learned that police had already kill at least 1023 people in the first half of 2016, many of whom were unarmed, mentally ill and people of color. In the past few years, a large amount of people participating into protest against police right abusing. In this project, we made some exploration on data of deceased people during 2015.
Map: Area Exploration

Did the police have racial discrimination when they killed the criminal? The Choropleth US map visualizes how many people died in each state. Each dot presents a person killed by the police. Hover the mouse on each state to find the population, deaths, and race share of that state. You can also click the state and read more detailed description of the area where police killings occurs.

Race and Age Exploration
From the barchart, we can see that death amount of White is around twice of Black. We search online to see the population composition of US. Based on data from census Bureau, we learned that Latio people is around 17.6 of percent of the nation's total population. Black people is around 12.2% and white people is around 63.7%. From the scatter chart, we can find that white people has a peak around age thirty-five, but Black and Latino people have peaks near twenty-five.
Advanced Exploration on Age
For further exploration, you can selected an area on scatter chart. A donut chart will be created based on the data you chose. For the donut chart for people under twenty-one-years-old, we can see that Black and White people have almost the same percentage. For people over sixty-five-years-old, we will see that white people have overwhelming weight compared to other groups. However, from the brushed area, the low data density can’t give us strong support to make any conclusion.

Armed or Unarmed?

The End

To further exploration on this phenomenon, we still need more information relate to criminal rate.

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